The Seol Course

Exploring everday mission in Ireland today

How can your church bring life & transformation to the local community around you? Have you found yourself at a loss for words trying to explain the good news in our culture today?

The Seol Course is a course exploring the expansive mission of God, and how we as individuals and as church families can join in that mission in our ordinary, day to day lives. It’s designed as a journey for church communities to go on together, delving into the big picture of God’s mission, of all things made new, to help us reframe mission and to see how we can become part of God’s mission in the culture and context that we live in, in Ireland today.

It came about as we gathered together from different churches and realised that we have the same heart for Ireland and that we face the same challenges. What is the good news? How can we communicate that good news, with confidence, to the people in our lives? How can we be the good news in our day to day lives, on our streets, in our workplaces, in our schools, and in the lives of our friends and families?

Praxis and some of the churches associated with it have worked together to develop the Seol course, and Innovista has been part of that collaboration, getting involved both in developing the course and delivering the facilitation training to run it. Our hope and vision is that church communities would embark on this journey and that a fresh understanding and excitement around God’s mission would stir and impact our cities, towns, and villages.

The word seol is the Irish verb ‘to send’ or ‘to set sail’. Our hope for the course is to encourage and enable ordinary followers of Jesus to be sent out, to set sail. It’s a six-part course, exploring The God of Mission, the People of Mission and the Arena of Mission. It’s designed as a journey – to help your church or group look at the culture and context you find yourself in and to figure out together what the Father is doing and how you can join in.

If you would like to find out more about this course or about running it with your church community please contact us at


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